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Recreation Program

Our Recreation Program offers a safe and structured environment that provides youth development and skill-building activities to reduce delinquent behavior. From Tuesday to Saturday 2 pm to 10 pm our young men can come and engage in events that will teach them team build self-esteem and begin to end the pipeline from school to prison for those who choose to be a part of our program. Violence committed by youth peaks in the afterschool hours on a school day and in the evening on nonschool days. On nonschool days, the incidence of violence committed by youth increase through the afternoon…

Our recreational programs are sequenced, active, focused, and explicit (SAFE). This means that the program provides connected and coordinated sets of activities, active learning for students to learn new skills or attitudes, and targets and develops personal and social skills. Examples of our program include cross-age mentoring, learning cooperation and teamwork through team sports or games, guiding STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skill development, and promoting the use of conflict-resolution skills.



How Can You Help?
Donate to support these programs:

  • Sponsor meals for 50 children for an entire year.
  • Sponsor mid-day meals for one month.
  • Donate clothing, blankets, and other essentials.
  • Provide food materials such as rice and vegetables.
  • Volunteer to assist those in need.