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About Our Foundation

The We Achieve Foundation was born to improve the condition of the neediest in our communities. The expressed vision of its founder,
Raynard Gainey, is to raise awareness for and generate funds to support a rich and diverse
resource pool for the youth, teen and young adult population 10-21 years

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Who We Are

Our founder, Ray, has a rich and diverse background in the New York City and State public and private human services sector. His work with distinguished organizations such as Coalition for the Homeless, servicing the LGBTQ community at The Momentum Aids Project, providing education to incarcerated males with The Osbourne Association, as well as enjoying the joy of foster-parenthood through Cardinal-Mccloskey Services, has given him an exceptional and faceted perspective on how to improve the condition of our vulnerable youths.

Our Mission

To assist young men to grow and prosper In today’s systems and lean how to navigate society. All our programs, resources, and services are built upon the following standards

    • “Dignity” This is the behavioral standard we model for our members.
    • “Respect” This is the treatment standard that our members determined to display.
    • “Humanity” This is community standard that infuses our Foundation society and corporate affiliates.
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Our Journey So Far

Supporting Org


Funds Raised


Events Conducted


Total Volunteers